Welcome to Dao Energy

"Energy from Nature"

Algae Growth Systems
Bio-Fuels and Carbon Sequestration

DAO ENERGY, LLC is an American company in China working to drive down the costs of growing systems to produce algae fuel. Currently, high costs are limiting installation of photo bio-reactors on large areas of non-arable land worldwide.

We have arrived at a period in human history where we are beginning to see the impact of higher energy prices on our economies and changing weather patterns due to higher levels of carbon dioxide in our atmosphere.

Our solution is to help algae bio-diesel companies worldwide to inexpensively commercialize systems on a mass scale. This will also provide a cheaper alternative for algal production. We seek to cooperate with international companies that wish to reduce materials costs by manufacturing in China. Algae growth systems can then be maintained domestically to create local jobs and support energy independence.  

Let our team help you to make this
world a better place to live.
This is 100% Natural Energy

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